888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
FRANKFORT, Ky. , July 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Logan Hanes , Executive Director of the Kentucky Manufactured Housing Institute today unveiled a state-of-the-art online virtual marketplace of factory-built homes available in the Bluegrass State. The comprehensive consumer platform allows Kentucky homebuyers the capability to browse, select and tour manufactured homes & modular homes for sale online.
KMHI's new website, www.KentuckyManufacturedHomes.com will allow people shopping for a home to learn more about Kentucky's manufactured and modular housing, view floorplans, get price quotes, find lenders and communities, and even take 3-Dimensional tours of new homes available for sale.
"Today's homebuyer wants to consider all their options before buying," said Hanes. "This new home shopping site allows Kentuckians to experience the future of home buying today."
This new site is powered by Manufacturedhomes.com.
The Kentucky Manufactured Housing Institute (KMHI) is the trade association representing the factory-built housing industry in Kentucky . KMHI supports its members with training, continuing education, and information — ensuring that the people who design, build, install, sell and finance factory-built homes have access to the best industry practices available.
KMHI's members are dedicated to providing safe, affordable, high-performance homes to individuals and families in communities across the Bluegrass State.
SOURCE Kentucky Manufactured Housing Association
Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET