Learn about natural burial on Zoom June 29. (Courtesy photo)
Learn about natural burial on Zoom June 29. (Courtesy photo)
Anya Nicoll, Rep Jerry Knirk (D-Freedom), and Lee Webster, a nationally recognized advocate for natural burial will be presenting an educational program about natural (green) burial by zoom on Wednesday, June 29, at 7 p.m. You can attend by joining with the following link: us02web.zoom.us/j/86728800635.
Natural burial is the choice of being buried without being embalmed, using a simple casket or shroud and without a concrete vault. Natural burial avoids environmental degradation due to the leeching of embalming chemicals into the environment, consumes far fewer resources and less energy than current traditional burial or cremation, and is much less expensive than either traditional burial or cremation.
The program will begin with a song by local singer-songwriter Heather Pierson called “Where Will You Go When You Die” in which she explores our choices of what to do with our body after death using her usual humorous approach. During the program we will discuss what options for natural burial might be feasible in existing cemeteries, and what the natural burial experience might look like for both families and cemetery staff.
Nicoll is a Freedom Girl Scout who was awarded a Girl Scout Gold Award for her work advocating for natural burial. Knirk has been mentoring her in this pursuit. Natural burial is not prohibited by state law but many cemeteries do not allow it due to custom. Knirk filed a bill to allow options of refrigeration or a leakproof container rather than embalming if desired. The bill passed the House and Senate and awaits the Governor’s signature. Nicoll and Knirk have turned their efforts to education and advocacy at the local level to educate residents and cemetery trustees about the benefits of natural burial.
Lee Webster has served in major leadership positions of the Green Burial Council, Conservation Burial Alliance, National Home Funeral Alliance, National End-of-Life Doula Alliance, and is the director of New Hampshire Funeral Resources & Education and co-creator of the Funeral.org Partnership. She is the author of several home funeral and green burial books, including Changing Landscapes: Exploring the growth of ethical, compassionate and environmentally sustainable green funeral service and The After-Death Care Educator Handbook.
All are welcome to learn about their choices.
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