BLOOD DRIVE: Saratoga Casino Hotel is teaming up with the American Red Cross to host their 25th Blood Drive on Monday, July 25. Members of the local community are urged to join dozens of Saratoga Casino Hotel team members to give blood from noon to 6pm inside the hotel ballroom. The need for blood remains crucial for patients relying on lifesaving transfusions. The American Red Cross continues to experience a severe blood shortage and is currently focused on increasing donations from African-American and minority donors to treat patients with sickle cell disease. Schedule an appointment to give blood by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting and enter sponsor code SARATOACASINO, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. Thanks to Discovery, all who come to give blood in July will automatically be entered for a chance to win an exclusive Shark Week merchandise package that includes: beach bike, smokeless portable fire pit, paddle board, kayak and a $500 gift card to put toward accessories.
MOREAU KAYAK TRIP: 10 a.m. to noon at Moreau Lake State Park – The Environmental Educator will lead this beginner’s paddle around the lake pointing out wonderful sights that are more enjoyable from an up-close perspective given by a kayak. Reservations are required with 24 hours advanced notice, please call or text 518-917-2174. Cost is $5 for adults, $1 for children. A limited number of kayaks are available to rent at $15. Please pay and meet at the park office. More information is available online at
KNEE HIGH NATURALIST: 10 a.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – We’ll begin with a Nature-themed story time, read a book or two and talk about what we’ve read. Afterward we will go for a short walk outside so dress according to the weather! Geared towards ages 2-5. Pay $1 per child (cash or check) at the office and then come down to the Nature Center. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174. More information is available online at
CHILDREN’S CRAFT: 1 – 2:30 p.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Join us at the nature center every Tuesday in July for arts and crafts. This program is free with vehicle entry fee and open to everyone. No registration required. More information is available online at
MEATLOAF DINNER: Saratoga – Wilton Elks Lodge #161 presents a Meatloaf Dinner for curbside pick up on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Call 518-584-2585 on Monday or Tuesday between 10am-noon to place an order. Menu includes: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, gravy and roll. Dinner for two is $30. Cash only.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
ARMISTICE CELEBRATION: A celebration of the Armistice, signaling the end of the Korean War will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, July 27 at the Korean War monument, in Crandall Park in Glens Falls, Members who have uniforms are asked to wear them and members who don’t have uniforms, are asked to wear a shirt, jacket, hat or something that has the KWVA logo if possible. Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the ceremony. It is with great sadness that this will be the last formal activity for the organization, due to the advanced ages of veterans and the loss of many members during the pandemic, and health issues, there is no one available to take on the responsibility for any of the five open offices. We are hopeful that as many members as possible will be able to attend. A luncheon will follow the ceremony at the Ambrosia Restaurant just off Exit 19 North of the Northway. For reservations for the luncheon, please call Lois Miner at 518-695-3905 or Marian Crandall at 518-899-2506 by July 25th. Looking forward to seeing you there.
WIGGLY WANDERERS: 8 a.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Wiggly wanderers is a new program that is offered to walking toddlers, carriable babies and their caregivers. This will be a beginner’s hike/wander series for toddlers who are ready to move and caregivers who are willing and able to baby wear and/or carry their toddler if their legs get too tired. We will not plan too much distance walking and we will rely on teachable moments to carry us through these experiences. Strollers will not work for these programs. While you do not need to attend each week, we will continue to build our toddlers hiking skills as well as their caregivers’ confidence taking the children into the woods to explore. This program has limited sign up available, please pre-register. Call 518-917-2174. Fee is $1 per child. More information is available online at
CANNING CLASS: Thursday, July 28, 6:00-9:00 pm Pressure Canning Vegetables, Meat & Soup: Learn how to safely can low-acid foods, such as vegetables, meat and soups in a pressure canner. In this hands-on workshop we’ll can green beans and learn about the different types of pressure canners. Fee: $15.Presented by Diane Whitten, CCE Nutrition Educator and Cornell Certified Master Food Preserver. Contact Diane at for more information. Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension, 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa, NY. Register by calling 518-885-8995.
STRETCHING ON THE SHORE: 8 a.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Join park naturalists as we take in the morning calm of our beautiful lake and the nature that surrounds us. We’ll stretch our limbs on the beach before the bustle of the day. This is a low impact program designed to reduce stress and open our minds and bodies. A yoga mat or beach blanket will be beneficial. All ages are welcome. Pay $5 per adult (cash or check) at the office upon arrival. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174. More information is available online at
CRITTER CRAWL: 11 a.m to noon at Moreau Lake State Park – Join a park educator as we go into our woods to explore! We will walk to a close by creek. There, we will look under logs and rocks searching for cool critters. But make sure you always put everything back where you found it! Pay $1 per child (cash or check) at the office. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance; call or text 518-917-2174. We will meet and pay for the event at the park office. There is a short, about .25 mile walk down the road to the creek. More information is available online at
GREENFIELD HISTORICAL MUSEUM: The Town of Greenfield Historical Society will have their Museum open every Friday from 4-6 pm through Aug 26, 2022. The museum is 2 floors of Local History. View the many photos, Veterans Corner, logging and farming displays, Stewarts display of ice cream making, IOOF display, and much more. The museum is located at 440 Middle Grove Road Middle Grove NY. While in town, stop by the Greenfield Farmers Market just down the road at the Church Parking Lot. Market is open from 4-7 PM every Friday.
KIDS STORYTIME: 1 p.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Join us in the nature center every weekend in July for kids story time! We will read a nature-themed book about a different animal we have in the nature center. This event is free with paid vehicle entry free and open to all. There are no registrations required. More information is available online at
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
EXPLORING FORAGING: The Galway Public Library, 2112 East St, Galway, will hold its summertime session of Exploring Foraging with Anne Best on July 30 at 10:30 a.m. Registration for the program, which is suitable for all ages, is required at 518-882-6385. More program information is available on the website,
CHICKEN BARBECUE: On Saturday, July 30, Old Saratoga Reformed Church invites you to a Take Out Chicken BBQ to be held at the Schuylerville American Legion on Clancy Street. Menu is ½ chicken, baked potato, homemade coleslaw and dessert, and it will be available from 4-5:30pm or until sold out. Cost is $15 for the dinner, which is take-out only. There will be 200 dinners prepared, so first come, first served!
KIDS STORYTIME: 1 p.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Join us in the nature center every weekend in July for kids story time! We will read a nature-themed book about a different animal we have in the nature center. This event is free with paid vehicle entry free and open to all. There are no registrations required. More information is available online at
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Sunday, July 31 at 10:30AM – The Good Life: North Broadway. Executive Director Samantha Bosshart will lead a tour of beautiful North Broadway, highlighting the architecture and sharing entertaining stories of those who built and resided in the grand residences. Meet at: NW corner of North Broadway and Van Dam Street in front of Witt Construction. More information is available online at
KIDS STORYTIME: 1 p.m. at Moreau Lake State Park – Join us in the nature center every weekend in July for kids story time! We will read a nature-themed book about a different animal we have in the nature center. This event is free with paid vehicle entry free and open to all. There are no registrations required. More information is available online at
HISTORY PRESENTATION: Join the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation for “The Fascinating Life of Katrina Trask” on Monday, August 1 at 7PM. Katrina Trask, best known as the founder of Yaddo, led an accomplished and intriguing life. Many know the Trask name because of her husband, Spencer, and Katrina’s philanthropy in Saratoga Springs, but Katrina made significant contributions beyond their wealth. This spirited presentation by literary dramatist Betty Spinelli conveys the “true essence” of a woman whose life was filled with tragedy, romance, and creativity. This presentation will be held at Holiday Inn – Saratoga Springs, 232 Broadway. Tickets are $20 for SSPF Members and $25 for non-members. Space is limited and reservations are encouraged. Cocktails and beer will be available for purchase at Bookmakers Restaurant and Lounge prior to the program. For additional information or to purchase tickets, please visit, call (518) 587-5030, or email Jacqueline Bunge, Events & Programs Coordinator at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
POETRY NIGHT: On Wednesday, August 3, 2022, Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Katrinka Moore. An open mic poetry reading will follow. Doors open for sign-ups at 6:30 pm and the readings will start at 7:00. The host for the event will be Carol Graser and the cost is $5 general, free for students. The featured reading will also be livestreamed. You can find a link for the livestream at Katrinka Moore started out in dance and choreography, made a brief foray into performance art, then shifted to poetry, eventually bringing visual components into her work. She is celebrating the release of her latest book, Diminuendo. Her previous books are Wayfarers, Numa, Thief, and This is Not a Story. Katrinka grew up in rural Texas and now lives in Manor Kill, NY, and New York City. More information is available online at
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
BREAST CANCER EDUCATION FORUM: To Life! presents its premier annual Education Forum, Beat the Odds, which will take place Thursday, August 4. The event will be held virtually and is offered free of charge to the community. Registration is required. Breast cancer patients and survivors, family members, friends, caregivers, and health care professionals are welcome to attend. This year’s topic is “Recent Progress and Emerging Challenges” and presenter is Dr. Renzo Canetta, MD. Dr. Renzo Canetta will address the audience with a 50 min presentation followed by a Q&A period. Audience participation encouraged. Education Forum begins at 9 a.m. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Register online at, or contact the office at: 518-439-5975,
GREENFIELD HISTORICAL MUSEUM: The Town of Greenfield Historical Society will have their Museum open every Friday from 4-6 pm through Aug 26, 2022. The museum is 2 floors of Local History. View the many photos, Veterans Corner, logging and farming displays, Stewarts display of ice cream making, IOOF display, and much more. The museum is located at 440 Middle Grove Road Middle Grove NY. While in town, stop by the Greenfield Farmers Market just down the road at the Church Parking Lot. Market is open from 4-7 PM every Friday.
SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE: Youth 2 – Youth Helping Youth – will be hosting a pop-UP, “Start-UP for School” to collect school supplies. The pop-UP will take place on Saturday, August 6 th at 112 Spring Street parking lot, Saratoga Springs, from 12-2 pm. It will be a Covid safe drop-off, rain or shine. The supplies needed are below. New supplies are preferred but supplies that are in excellent condition will be accepted as well. Pencil boxes, plastic dividers, backpacks, spiral notebooks- college and wide ruled, composition notebooks, wide ruled & college ruled paper, pencil pouches, crayons, highlighters, Kleenex, dry erase markers, plastic folders, kids scissors, markers, pencils, pens, glue sticks, binders: 1,2, or 3-inch and Gift cards to Staples, Target, Walmart etc to give children the freedom to purchase school supplies catering to their needs. Donations will be given to the following agencies: Wellspring, Project Lift at Franklin Community Center, and SNAC Pack and distributed to the families that they work with. Youth 2 thanks the community for giving children the opportunity to learn to their full potential.
ALUMNI BANQUET: Schuylerville Central School Alumni will be holding their annual banquet on Saturday, August 6 at 6 pm at the American legion in Schuylerville. DJ will be Andy Jennings, Class of 2000. Cost will be $30 per person. Please make reservations early as possible with deadline being July 29. No tickets at door. Mail checks to SCS Alumni, PO Box 50, Schuylerville, NY 12871. Further information, contact Pat Temple at 518-338-2329 or e-mail
HISTORY TALK: Charles Cahoon will give an illustrated talk on the Hoosac Tunnel, on Sunday, August 7, at 2:00 p.m. The tunnel, a straight run of 4.75 miles between North Adams and the Massachusetts town of Florida, is the longest active railroad tunnel east of the Rockies. This Stephentown Historical Society program meeting will be held at the Stephentown Heritage Center, 4 Staples Road, Stephentown, New York. The program is free and the building is handicapped accessible. For directions, telephone (518) 733-0010. The construction of the Hoosac Tunnel produced a shorter and lower elevation rail route from Boston to Troy, New York. The work took nearly 25 years and cost the lives of 196 workers. Drilling and removal of two million tons of rock required innovative surveying and engineering methods and 21 million dollars. The first train chugged through the tunnel in 1875. Both freight and passenger service used this route. It currently carries eight freight trains a day. Cahoon is the president of the North Adams Historical Society dba North Adams Museum of History and Science. He has been promoting the history of the tunnel since 1971 when the town of North Adams began preparing the centennial celebration of the tunnel’s completion.
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Sunday, Aug. 7 at 10:30AM – The Spa Complex.Join Linda Harvey to discover the architecture and landscape of the significant National Historic Landmark Saratoga Spa State Park while learning about its development. Meet at: Outside of the Hall of Springs located at 108 Avenue of the Pines. More information is available online at
19TH CENTURY SONGS OF WHIMSY: “A Concert: 19th Century Songs of Whimsy by Tom & Friends” – Sunday, August 7 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Those living in the United States during the 1800s shared their common humanity by seeking occasional respite from life’s daily toil and discomforts and from a Civil War that lasted for four tragic years. In response, contemporary composers offered emotional relief through music and diversion from feelings of sadness. Their music enriched private family and community occasions in a playful and (to our sensibilities) quaint manner. Many of these songs endure today – still lifting spirits and making people smile. Listen to Tess McCarthy (mezzo-soprano), David Rudnick (tenor), Joe Gitto (harmonica), and Tom Smith (guitar & Grant Cottage tour guide) present music from another period in our nation’s history for this memorable concert on Grant Cottage’s porch. This concert features a special performance of a tune composed to praise Ulysses S. Grant, likely not performed in public since the late 19th Century.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
GREENFIELD HISTORICAL MUSEUM: The Town of Greenfield Historical Society will have their Museum open every Friday from 4-6 pm through Aug 26, 2022. The museum is 2 floors of Local History. View the many photos, Veterans Corner, logging and farming displays, Stewarts display of ice cream making, IOOF display, and much more. The museum is located at 440 Middle Grove Road Middle Grove NY. While in town, stop by the Greenfield Farmers Market just down the road at the Church Parking Lot. Market is open from 4-7 PM every Friday.
OUTDOOR LECTURE: The Waterford Historical Museum and Cultural Centerwill host a series of outdoor lectures presented by historian Michael Barrett. These are bring-your-own chair and bring-your-own refreshments picnic-style events on the museum lawn, offered the second Friday of the month over the summer. The first lecture, “The Anti-Rent War: 1839 to 1869” will be June 10, beginning at 6:30pm. Admission is $10 per person. Additional lectures: July 8 “The Capital Region’s Role in the SS Monitor”; August 12 “Bells, Bells, Bells”; and September 9 “The Transcontinental Railroad.” More information is available online at
DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS: On Saturday, August 13 from 9 AM to 3 PM there will be a New York State approved Defensive Driving Class. Save 10% on your base auto insurance for the next three years & receive up to 4 points off your driving record according to New York State Department of Motor Vehicle guidelines. Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church, 175 Fifth Ave., Saratoga Springs New York 12866. Fee: $35 per person. Bring a friend fee is $30 each. Portion of fee goes to Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church. Registration is required and can be made by calling Ray Frankoski at 518-286-3788. As we are social distancing, a mask is required if you are not vaccinated. Class size is limited.
BATTLE OF BENNINGTON REENACTMENT WEEKEND: The Friends of the Bennington Battlefield and the Brigade of the American Revolution will be hosting a reenactment of the Battle of Bennington on the weekend of August 13th & 14th at the Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site in the Town of Hoosick, NY. Both Rebel and Crown forces will be camped near the Barnett Homestead, located at 30 Caretakers Road, just down the hill from the main gate (the actual ground where many of Baum’s troops were posted). On Saturday morning at 11 AM, those who like long treks (approximately 3 miles) through hilly and wooded country, will once again duplicate Col. Benjamin Nichols’ march from the American camp to the area of the Dragoon Breastwork. Portions of the Dragoon Breastworks have been reconstructed, and the rebels will attack this on Saturday afternoon at 3 PM. On Saturday at 7 PM, reenactors will demonstrate Breymann’s advance and the rebel counter-attack on the fields by the Barnett homestead. On Sunday, August 14, at 11 AM Stark’s attack over the bridge will take place followed by the rebel attack on the Tory Fort at 2 PM. Troops break camp around 3:30 p.m. Following these weekend events, a commemoration ceremony will be held at the battlefield on Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 PM to mark the anniversary of the battle.
ELKS BREAKFAST: Ballston Spa Elks Lodge #2619, 10 Hamilton Street, Ballston Spa, will host Bill Downs Food Drive, Sunday Breakfast on Sunday, August 14th, from 8 to 11 pm. The food drive is held each year to honor the memory of Bill Downs it’s founder. Enjoy Pancakes and Sausage, French Toast, Eggs made to order, world famous Omelets, Home Fries, Toast, Coffee, and Juice. Adults $9 Seniors $8 Kids $5. Proceeds support Elks Charities.
BATTLE OF BENNINGTON REENACTMENT WEEKEND: The Friends of the Bennington Battlefield and the Brigade of the American Revolution will be hosting a reenactment of the Battle of Bennington on the weekend of August 13th & 14th at the Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site in the Town of Hoosick, NY. Both Rebel and Crown forces will be camped near the Barnett Homestead, located at 30 Caretakers Road, just down the hill from the main gate (the actual ground where many of Baum’s troops were posted). On Saturday morning at 11 AM, those who like long treks (approximately 3 miles) through hilly and wooded country, will once again duplicate Col. Benjamin Nichols’ march from the American camp to the area of the Dragoon Breastwork. Portions of the Dragoon Breastworks have been reconstructed, and the rebels will attack this on Saturday afternoon at 3 PM. On Saturday at 7 PM, reenactors will demonstrate Breymann’s advance and the rebel counter-attack on the fields by the Barnett homestead. On Sunday, August 14, at 11 AM Stark’s attack over the bridge will take place followed by the rebel attack on the Tory Fort at 2 PM. Troops break camp around 3:30 p.m. Following these weekend events, a commemoration ceremony will be held at the battlefield on Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 PM to mark the anniversary of the battle.
BREAKFAST: Fish Creek Rod and Gun Club’s August Breakfast will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 14. The club address is 123 State Route 32, Schuylerville, NY Breakfast is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Menu include choice of pancakes or French toast, eggs cooked to order, home fries, bacon or sausage and toast. Coffee and orange juice is also served.
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Sunday, Aug. 14 at 10:30AM – Mail Order Houses of Saratoga. Madison C. Squires will lead this tour of houses on East and Pinewood avenues, which highlights the “Kit House” era – a time when the average person could not only put a check through the mail, but order and receive an entire house as well. Meet at: NW corner of Lake and East avenues. More information is available online at More information is available online at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
BROOKS CHICKEN BBQ: The First Presbyterian Church of Ballston Spa will be holding a Brooks Sizzling Summer Chicken BBQ, Tuesday August 16, 4:00 – 7:00 pm. First Presbyterian Church, 22 West High St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020. 518-885-5583. Half Chicken, roll, coleslaw, potato, and dessert for only $14. Takeout only. No reservations needed. First come, frist served.
BATTLE OF BENNINGTON COMMEMORATION CEREMONY: The Friends of the Bennington Battlefield and the Brigade of the American Revolution will be hosting a reenactment of the Battle of Bennington on the weekend of August 13th & 14th at the Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site in the Town of Hoosick, NY. Following these weekend events, a commemoration ceremony will be held at the battlefield on Tuesday, August 16 at 7:00 PM to mark the anniversary of the battle.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
GREENFIELD HISTORICAL MUSEUM: The Town of Greenfield Historical Society will have their Museum open every Friday from 4-6 pm through Aug 26, 2022. The museum is 2 floors of Local History. View the many photos, Veterans Corner, logging and farming displays, Stewarts display of ice cream making, IOOF display, and much more. The museum is located at 440 Middle Grove Road Middle Grove NY. While in town, stop by the Greenfield Farmers Market just down the road at the Church Parking Lot. Market is open from 4-7 PM every Friday.
ALL ABOUT BIRDS: Saturday, August 20 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. “All About Birds” is a multimedia introduction to birding. Topics covered will include songs and bird calls – why birds make sounds and how they create them, how we identify bird species, habitats of the North Country, fascinating behaviors – such as why the American Woodcock bobs and how a Common Loon swallows a foot-long fish, what birds eat, migration – why birds move, where they nest, birding ethics – how we balance our interest in seeing birds with their welfare, and conservation issues. The presentation utilizes audio recordings, videos of interesting bird behaviors, photographs, and PowerPoint slides. Weather permitting, the program will be held on Grant Cottage’s porch. Our presenter is Joan Collins, President of Adirondack Avian Expeditions & Workshops, LLC. Joan leads birding trips year-round, is a New York State licensed guide, past President of the New York State Ornithological Association, current editor of New York Birders, past Board of Directors member of the Audubon Council of New York, and President of the Northern New York Audubon Society.
CAMPFIRE CHAT: During the warmer season the Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park will be hosting Campfire Chats! Scheduled for one Saturday evening a month, this new program will focus on chatting around the campfire! Each chat will involve discussions of local animal species and what is being done to support these populations. In addition to the discussion, participants will enjoy hanging out around the fire for cocoa, s’mores, and cookies! A special Thank You to the Common Roots Foundation for making this program series possible. August 20 – Monarch Butterflies; September 17 – Owls. All events start at 6 p.m. Registration is required. Space is limited. To register please visit, and click on the “Our Programs” tab, then “Calendar of Public Events” to access the online registration form. For more information, please contact the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Join Georgia Horner to explore the area surrounding the Saratoga Race Course. This walking tour highlights the history of the Reading Rooms, National Museum of Racing & Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Training Track, and the Fasig-Tipton Humphrey S. Finney Sales Pavilion. Meet at: SE corner of Nelson and Union avenues. More information is available online at
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
GREENFIELD HISTORICAL MUSEUM: The Town of Greenfield Historical Society will have their Museum open every Friday from 4-6 pm through Aug 26, 2022. The museum is 2 floors of Local History. View the many photos, Veterans Corner, logging and farming displays, Stewarts display of ice cream making, IOOF display, and much more. The museum is located at 440 Middle Grove Road Middle Grove NY. While in town, stop by the Greenfield Farmers Market just down the road at the Church Parking Lot. Market is open from 4-7 PM every Friday.
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
THE MYTH OF GRANT’S SILENCE: Saturday, August 27 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Things are not always as they are portrayed when studying historic figures. Was Ulysses S. Grant truly the silent man as often described? Join author and historian Dr. Chris Mackowski on Grant Cottage’s porch as he explores the real story behind the misunderstood and fully capable communicator who was U.S. Grant. A book signing will follow the program. Dr. Mackowski is a Professor of Communication and Jandoli School Assistant Dean at St. Bonaventure University. He is the Managing Editor of the Emerging Civil War book series and blog and has been featured on several television programs. His books have been widely published, and he is the author of nine books, including Grant’s Last Battle. Dr. Mackowski’s program will be the first in the annual Grant Cottage Literary Landmark Authors series.
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Sunday, Aug. 28 at 10:30AM – Down in the Valley: Exploring The Gut. Stroll leader Alexandra Morgan will explore the area behind Broadway known as “The Gut,” which was home to many working class and Jewish families who provided important contributions to the community. Meet at: Hathorn Spring at the NW corner of Putnam and Spring Streets. More information is available online at
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. Opening Day is Military Appreciation Day, featuring free admission for veterans and active duty military members. It is also Dollar Day, when adult admission is discounted to $1. Additionally, children age 13 and younger can attend for free. Every ride will be $1 (must buy at least 10 tickets) and $1 food items will be available. Dollar day is sponsored by Rensselaer County in honor of all first responders. More information is available online at
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. Thursday is Senior Citizen Day, when admission is $5 each for senior citizens age 62 and older. More information is available online at
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. More information is available online at
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. More information is available online at
SUMMER STROLL: The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is thrilled to present a series of tours that highlight the architecture and history of Saratoga Springs. Tours are $15 for SSPF members or $20 for non-members. Tours are rain or shine. Allow 90 minutes. Requires walking and standing and covers varied terrain. Space is limited to 30 attendees and tickets must be purchased in advance. Sunday, Sept. 4 at 10:30AM – Skidmore’s First Home. Debbie Studwell will tour the area formerly home to the Young Women’s Industrial Club of Saratoga, which would later become Skidmore College. Meet at: SE corner of Spring & Circular streets. More information is available online at
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. More information is available online at
SCHAGHTICOKE FAIR: The 2022 Schaghticoke Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 5. More information is available online at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
ART WITH HEART & HOPE: Saratoga-based nonprofit Beyond My Battle is holding its fourth annual “Art with Heart & Hope” showcasing the ways art can help manage the many stressors of living as a patient or caregiver. “Art with Heart & Hope” is an annual pop-up exhibition celebrating the healing power of art for those living with life-altering medical conditions and their caregivers. Works are displayed alongside written statements from the artists who share the many ways art helps them cope. It is an evening full of inspiration, awareness, and community partnered with refreshments and live music. This year’s show will take place on September 8, 2022 at Universal Preservation Hall from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. Tickets will be available to purchase starting July 15, 2022 at Sponsorship opportunities are available. To become a sponsor of this year’s show, please email To learn more about BMB, visit
OUTDOOR LECTURE: The Waterford Historical Museum and Cultural Centerwill host a series of outdoor lectures presented by historian Michael Barrett. These are bring-your-own chair and bring-your-own refreshments picnic-style events on the museum lawn, offered the second Friday of the month over the summer. The first lecture, “The Anti-Rent War: 1839 to 1869” will be June 10, beginning at 6:30pm. Admission is $10 per person. Additional lectures: July 8 “The Capital Region’s Role in the SS Monitor”; August 12 “Bells, Bells, Bells”; and September 9 “The Transcontinental Railroad.” More information is available online at
HISTORY PROGRAM: “A Visit with General and Mrs. Grant” – Saturday, September 10 at 4:30 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Ulysses and Julia began their life together after their wedding in 1848. They already had faced trials of uncertainty and separation that came with the Mexican War and Grant’s career as a soldier (until he resigned from the army in 1854). The years of struggle for financial security and his eventual triumph as commander-in-chief of the Union Army in 1865 followed. Beginning in 1869, they spent 8 years in the White House during the tumultuous Reconstruction period, afterward traveling the world greeted by crowds, dignitaries, kings, queens, and emperors. Upon their return, they settled into a comfortable life centered on their children and grandchildren in their Manhattan townhouse. Whatever their circumstances, they were warmed by the joy of their happy family life and faith in each other. Join living historians Steve Trimm and Melissa Trombley-Prosch as they interpret the life of Grant Cottage’s favorite grandparent couple through anecdotes and stories in the setting of one of their last visits to Saratoga in 1882. Their beloved eldest granddaughter, little Julia (portrayed by Delilah Robinson), will accompany the couple.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
CAMPFIRE CHAT: During the warmer season the Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park will be hosting Campfire Chats! Scheduled for one Saturday evening a month, this new program will focus on chatting around the campfire! Each chat will involve discussions of local animal species and what is being done to support these populations. In addition to the discussion, participants will enjoy hanging out around the fire for cocoa, s’mores, and cookies! A special Thank You to the Common Roots Foundation for making this program series possible. September 17 – Owls. All events start at 6 p.m. Registration is required. Space is limited. To register please visit, and click on the “Our Programs” tab, then “Calendar of Public Events” to access the online registration form. For more information, please contact the Preserve & Park office at 518-450-0321 or via email at
HISTORY PROGRAM: “Global Peacemaking: Ulysses S. Grant as Global Peacemaker, and 61 Years of an American treasure, the Peace Corps” – Sunday, September 18 at 2 PM at Grant Cottage, 1000 Mt. McGregor Rd., Wilton. Ulysses S. Grant had a presidential campaign slogan in 1868, “Let Us Have Peace.” His slogan was certainly rooted in his Civil War experiences, but after eight years as President he traveled the world as an ambassador, and at times, a mediator for the cause of peace among people and nations. In his way, Grant was an effective advocate of global peacemaking to citizens of tthe United States. In 1961, a different kind of army was organized in an innovative and bold move by President John F. Kennedy’s administration to promote global peace, namely the Peace Corps. Peace Corps volunteers, as diverse as the countries they are of service to, are hard at work in countries across the globe. In the spirit of U.S. Grant’s commitment to peace-making, Grant Cottage wishes to honor and express our gratitude for the often unheralded service of Peace Corps volunteers. Join us on the Grant Cottage porch as tour guide Diana O’Brien and Peace Corps veterans Renee St. Jacques and David Gittelman present a program celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, Grant as a peacemaker, and mission of the Peace Corps as it enters its seventh decade of service!
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
BINGO: Knights of Columbus #246 host Bingo at the KOC Hall, 50 Pine Road, Saratoga Springs, every Wednesday evening. The doors open at 4:30, the kitchen window (which is staffed by the Catholic Daughters) opens at 5:30, games go on sale at 6:00, and the first game starts at 7:00. Every week, there is $1,500 in guaranteed prize money. Join us for an evening out and help to support our activities within the community.
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
SARATOGA SHOWCASE OF HOMES: The 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is proud to announce this year’s dates and builders. Celebrating 26 years of exceptional homes, this annual tradition will be presented over four beautiful fall days on October 8-9 and October 15-16. We have a spectacular line-up of EIGHT ocations from our region’s finest builders for the areas premiere new home tour event. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and the award-winning builders committed to this year’s event; Bella Home Builders, Belmonte Builders, DSG Construction & Remodeling, Kodiak Construction, Peerless Builders, Trojanski Builders and Witt Construction. Over the past 25 years, this community event has contributed over $1.4 million dollars to our two local charities. Proceeds from the Showcase of Homes benefit Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties. For more details on the 2022 Saratoga Showcase of Homes event, please visit Follow us on Facebook for all the updates!
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
TROY NIGHT OUT: Troy Night Out takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of every month. Every Troy Night Out, the streets of downtown come alive with music and culture beckoning you to discover local businesses, art galleries, fine restaurants, and unique boutiques of all varieties. Held the last Friday of every month, Troy Night Out is the perfect time to Enjoy Troy, with specials, sales, and promotions around every corner. More information is available online at
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: Regular Saratoga Springs City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are held in the Music Hall at City Hall at this time. Meetings are open to the public, and admission into the room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Check the meeting agenda for times of Public Hearings. The Ramp Door on the Broadway entrance to the building will be open for public access at 6:30 p.m. The Council routinely reviews and approves Rules of Conduct for public meetings, which will be followed at all meetings of the City Council, including the Public Comment period, for the benefit of all citizens. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. The meetings are also livestreamed on the city’s website at, where more information is available.
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